Upanaha Swedana- The Wonderful Bandaging Therapy
The process of Sudation (sweating) done by Bandaging is called Upanaha Sweda. Warm pastes of medicated drugs are ground with Sour liquids, Salt, and fats tied over the affected body part.
فوائد of Upanaha Swedana
-Pain relief
-Reduces Swelling
-Improves Skin texture
-Calms burning sensation
-Muscle relaxation
دواعي الإستعمال
-All types of Arthritis
-التهاب كيسي
- كتف متجمدة
-Ankylosing Spondylitis
-Varicose Veins
-التهاب المفصل الروماتويدي
-هشاشة العظام
انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد عن Udwarthana.
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