Raktamokshana Ayurvedic Treatment In Kerala

‘Rakta’- ‘Blood’
‘Moksha’- ‘Letting out’
“Raktamokshana” is a traditional Ayurvedic practice of letting out blood by various means to relieve Pitta Dosha and Rakta Dosha (Bloodborne) disorders of the body.
This complex treatment comprises cupping, leech therapy, incision, and venesection, all of which target specific body areas and diseases. Raktamokshana improves circulation, detoxifies the blood, and treats illnesses such as skin disorders, arthritis, and certain chronic diseases by removing pollutants and promoting enhanced blood flow.
Raktamokshana is used to eliminate deep-seated poisons from the bloodstream. It alleviates stagnation and congestion in varicose veins. It enhances circulation to a specific spot, lowers inflammation, and promotes healing in that location as well as the entire system.
- Anushastra visravana– This raktamokshana is done without the use of metal instruments. This is of three types:
- Jalaukavacharana (Leech Application) – Used to treat Pitta dosha illnesses
- Shrungavacharana (Sucking via a cow’s horn) is recommended for Vata dosha ailments
- Alabu (Vacuum extraction with a vegetable called Alabu / Bottle Gourd) is recommended for Kapha dosha illnesses
- Sashastra visravana– Bloodletting is conducted with metal instruments. It is further classified into two categories
- Pracchana (bleeding by several incisions)
- Siravyadhana (venepuncture)
Bloodletting through multiple incisions in any localized area.
Puncturing the vein for therapeutic purposes.
The process of bloodletting in which non poisonous leeches are used is known as jalaukavacharana.
- Leech therapy is safe, painless, and does not involve any changes to one’s daily routine. Following a diagnosis, a leech is administered to a specific body region and left there. Once the leech has finished sucking blood from the spot, it will either separate itself or can be mechanically separated with a sprinkling of herbal medicine. Following the treatment, an appropriate dressing is applied. At any given time, a single leech may suck 10-60ml blood. One session of leech therapy lasts roughly 20-60 minutes.
- Sucking through mouth using a cow’s horn
- Done in sensory-deficient areas
Vacuum extraction with a vegetable called Alabu / Bottle Gourd.
Cupping [Hijama] therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which special cups are put on the skin where a local suction is created.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is intended solely for educational purposes. Treatment decisions should be made exclusively by a well-qualified Ayurvedic physician. Self-medication is strongly discouraged.