Twisted, bulging veins are called VARICOSE VEINS. These veins lose their elasticity. Although they can occur anywhere on the body, varicose veins are most prevalent in the legs. Common sites of varicosity include the lower limbs’ superficial venous system, which can affect either the long or short saphenous veins or both. Varicose veins are mostly just an cosmetic issue for many people. It can also create much discomfort and pain. They occasionally result in more serious health issues.
Spider veins are smaller versions of varicose veins. Spider veins might resemble a spider’s web and are located closer to the skin’s surface. Spider veins can be present on the face as well as the legs.
Varicose veins can be caused by weak or broken valves. Blood is transported throughout the body by arteries from the heart. Blood is returned to the heart via veins from the rest of the body. Leg veins must defy gravity in order to return blood to the heart.
Lower leg muscles contract to function as pumps. Vein walls facilitate the heart’s blood return. Small vein valves open to allow blood to move toward the heart and close to prevent blood from moving the other way. Veins may stretch or twist as a result of blood flowing backward and pooling in the veins due to weak or broken valves.
- Veins appear as twisted and protruded.
- Deep purple or blue color veins
- Skin tone variations near a varicose vein
- Cramps in the muscles, especially at night
- Burning sensation, throbbing pain and swelling in the lower legs.
- There is itching along one or more veins.
- A heavy or aching feeling in the legs
An examination by a medical practitioner is necessary to diagnose varicose veins. This includes examining your legs in a standing position to look for any edema. .A test known as a VENOUS DOPPLER ULTRASONOGRAPHY of the leg is also used to identify varicose veins. This non-invasive examination looks at blood flow through vein valves using sound waves. Finding a blood clot can be aided by a leg ultrasound.
The primary causes of varicose veins are:
- SEX: It is more common for women to have this condition. Vein walls typically loosen due to hormones. Hormonal fluctuations may play a role prior to menstruation, during pregnancy, or during menopause. Treatments involving hormones, including birth control pills, may make varicose veins more likely.
- FAMILY HISTORY: There’s a higher probability that you may develop varicose veins if other family members do.
- AGE: The vein valves in our body that assist regulate blood flow deteriorate with age. As a result of wear and tear, some blood is able to return to the veins where it gathers.
- OBESITY: Vein pressure is increased by being overweight ,which leads to varicosity.
- STANDING FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME: Walking and standing raise blood pressure in the lower body’s veins hence varicosity can develop.
- PREGNANCY: The body’s blood volume increases during pregnancy. This alteration can cause the veins in the legs to enlarge while also supporting the developing fetus.
The complications of varicose veins are:
- VARICOSE ULCER: Specially around the ankles, painful ulcers can develop on the skin next to varicose veins. Usually, a darkened patch on the skin appears before an ulcer does.
- BLOOD CLOTS: Deep veins in the legs can enlarge occasionally. They could result in edema and limb pain. For persistent leg swelling or pain, need medical attention. This might indicate a thrombus.
- BLEEDING: Veins near the skin’s surface rarely burst. Most often, this results in bleeding.
- SWELLINGS OF LEG: Leg swelling may result from long-term varicose veins.
Varicose veins can be closely associated with the symptoms and indicators of SIRA GRANTHI(obstructive circulation) in Ayurveda. Assessing the condition of the patient, various internal medications, external treatment and lifestyle modifications are advised for patients.
- Punarnavadi kashayam
- Pathya punarnavadi kashayam
- Tikthakam Kashayam
- Sahacharadi Kashayam
- Chiravilwadi Kashayam
- Triphala guggulu
- Siva gulika
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Navaka Guggulu
- Shaddaranam tab
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Khadirarishta
- Arjunaarishta
- Aragvatharishta
“Oil massage” or “Abhyanga” is massaging the entire body, from head to toe, using warm oil filled with medicinal herbs that correspond to specific Dosha. It can enhance blood flow, lessen varicose vein-related discomfort, heaviness, and numbness, and enhance sleep patterns. Pinda Thailam is the commonly used oil. Sahacharadi thailam, Yashtimadhu thailam, Balaguluchyadi are also used.
Siravyadhana is a kind Rakthamoksha, which is most widely used therapeutic procedures to remove vitiated blood by puncturing. It is specifically used to treat sarvangagata rakta dushti janya diseases. It also instantly relieves pain and redness in varicosity and is regarded as an ardha chikitsa in the Shalya tantra.
Jalaukavacharana or Hirudo therapy are other names for leech therapy. It’s defined as the application of live medicinal leeches topically to drain blood from a targeted area of the body for therapeutic purposes.It is believed that Jalaukavacharana Karma is the most effective, efficient, and safe method for eliminating vitiated blood.It increases the flow of blood and aids the healing of wounds by forming newer tissues.
Skin pigmentation is addressed and venous valvular dysfunction is also relieved as a result of enhanced blood circulation. Consequently, it aids in wound healing and breaks the etiology of varicosity at the cellular level.
Applying the herbal paste to the affected area is the Lepam. It lowers edema and improves blood flow and relieves pain in varicose vein patients.
Upanaha swedam involves leaving the medicinal paste in touch with the body for an entire night/day. After applying the thick herbal paste to the varicose area, it is covered for 12 hours with a bandage or cotton cloth. This kind of care is excellent for reducing inflammation, discomfort, edema, and stiffness.
Vasti is medicated enema.. Patients with varicose veins are given Anuvasana Vasti and Asthapana Vasti. It can facilitate blood circulation and cleanse the blood .
Compression stockings
Compression stockings, sometimes referred to as compression socks, are custom-made socks that snug up against your legs without being painful. They gently squeeze your legs to move blood up your legs. Compression stockings are recommended if the patient recently had any surgery, have varicose veins, or spider veins.
Donning stockings facilitates:
- Leg aches and a heavy feeling
- Leg swelling
- preventing blood clots when you are less active, such as following surgery or an injury
- Helps in avoiding consequences from leg blood clots, like in postphlebitic syndrome.
- Engage in regular exercise: Helps increase in blood flow, reduces chance of varicosity.
- Weight Management: Reducing additional weight relieves venous pressure.
- Use appropriate footwear.: Avoid wearing high heels. Wearing low-heeled shoes is better for your veins since it works your calf muscles more.
- Avoid using tight clothing: Tight clothing might restrict blood flow to your legs, groin, and waist.
- Stretch your legs up: Take a few little breaks each day to raise your legs above the level of your heart in order to enhance blood flow to your legs. For example, place three or four cushions under your legs as you lie down. Additionally, you can lift the bed’s foot by six inches.
- Frequently shift positions: Aim to avoid prolonged sitting or standing. Blood flow is improved by movement.
- Skip the salt: Eat a low-salt diet to avoid edema that results from the body retaining water.
- WALKING: Aim to walk for at least half an hour each day. You can divide this up into smaller tasks during the course of the day if necessary.
The blood in your lower legs is also moved when you lift your heels off the ground by using your calf muscles. You can perform this workout several times a day whether seated or standing. Aim to perform ten to fifteen calf raises in a set.
Your feet and toes can frequently swell if you spend the majority of the day standing or sitting immobile. Some of the pressure can be released by flexing and stretching your toes. Extend your legs away from yourself as you lie on the floor. Make 20 repetitions of the forward-and backward-flexing toe action for each leg.
- CLIMBING STAIRS: When possible, take the stairs rather than the escalator or elevator. Your leg muscles are contracted as you raise your calf during a climb, which helps to force blood back up your legs.
- STRETCHING: Vein health is improved by moving your body, being more flexible, and controlling the contraction and relaxation of your muscles. Lunges, lying on your back with your legs resting on a wall, raised above your head, and a standard forward fold—where you bend over from the hips, reaching the crown of your head towards the ground, keeping your knees bent if necessary—are specific stretches that have been shown to help with venous insufficiency.
- YOGA: Yoga helps the body become more flexible and strong, which might reduce varicose vein pain and edema. It may also help you stay flexible and strong as you get older.
Foods High in Fiber:
- Fiber helps prevent constipation and reduces pressure on veins, promoting healthy blood flow
- Make sure your meals contain whole grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread.
- Eat a lot of leafy greens, berries, oranges, broccoli, and other fruits and vegetables.
- Include foods high in legumes such as kidney beans, chickpeas, and lentils in your diet.
Foods Rich in Antioxidants:
- Vein health is improved by antioxidants because they shield the body from oxidative stress and inflammation.
- Add vibrant fruit like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries.
- For vitamin C, eat citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits.
- Include leafy greens in your meals, such as kale and spinach, as well as nuts and seeds.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E:
- Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen, which fortifies vein walls.
- Vitamin E lowers the risk of blood clot formation and enhances circulation.
- So Eat foods high in vitamin C, such as bell peppers, oranges, and strawberries.
- Also add foods high in vitamin E, like spinach, sunflower seeds, and almonds.
Things to Avoid or Limit If You Have Varicose Veins
- Reduce your intake of processed foods, which frequently have excessive sodium and bad fat content.
- Restrict your consumption of items high in salt, such as processed meats, snacks, and canned soups.
- Limit your intake of sugar-filled snacks and drinks.
- Steer clear of excessive alcohol intake since it might aggravate vein inflammation and cause fluid retention.