Shirovasti- The Powerful Pathway to Psychosomatic Harmony
Shirovasti is a procedure in which medicated oil is allowed to pool over the head. ‘Shiro’ means ‘Head’ and ‘Vasti’ means ‘to retain’. It comes under the ‘Murdhni Thailam’ category- Various methods of applying Oil over the Head and is mainly effective for most disorders affecting the Head and Neck.
- Facial Paralysis
- Headaches
- Psychosomatic Disorders
- Insomnia- Loss of good sleep
- Wounds/Ulcers on the head
- Disorders of eyes
- Anosmia – Loss of smell
- Loss of taste
- The patient is instructed to shave his head before the procedure for convenience.
- Patient’s body is lightly massaged and fomented.
- Rexin cloth is wrapped over the patient’s head and fastened with a long cotton fabric cloth, much like a cap. The cap is then sealed on the inside using Black gram dough to prevent oil leakage.
- 1 to 1.5 liters of lukewarm medicated oil or ghee is then poured into the cap. The oil is allowed to pool for about 45 minutes. Oil is carefully replaced with warm oil when the oil’s temperature drops.
- Oil is drained off after 45 minutes. The patient is then given a body massaged and advised for a medicated water bath.
- Ksheerabala Thaila
- Sahacharadi Thaila
- Dhanwantharam Thaila
- Mahanarayana Thaila
- Chandanalakshadi Thaila
- Improved memory and IQ
- Increased perception of the senses
- Improves eyesight
- Combats Psychiatric disorders like ADHD, Manic Depressive Disorders, Schizophrenia, etc
- Rejuvenative and improves sleep
- Prevents premature Greying of hair and Dandruff
- Relief from headaches
- Useful for speech disorders and stability of the mind
- Reduces fatigue
Click here to learn more about Shirodhara
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