Postnatal Care in Ayurveda

ayurvedic postnatal care

The childbirth process is brought on by Vata activity. Vata will increase significantly shortly after delivery. Additionally, the mother’s immunity, hygiene, and digestion all suffer badly. Therefore, Vata must be balanced and the mother must be strengthened with extra care. The mother’s body is put through a lot of physical stress during childbirth, especially in the hips, lower back, and abdomen. This bundle aids in easing such muscular stress.

If normal delivery occurs, it is preferred to start the package after 7 days; if not, it must be started after 15 days or when the wound has healed.


Improve well-being and immunity by boosting lymph and blood flow It provides nourishment for the mother to start a happy journey with the newborn and aids in overcoming postnatal complications.

 Treatment Plan

The first six weeks of a new mother’s life are dedicated to providing her with active care, repairing her physiology and psychology after the strain of pregnancy and delivery, and educating her on how to care for both herself and her child. This will also involve providing proper nursing, realigning the uterus to its pre-pregnancy position, and avoiding the mother’s physical and mental stress. The next 4-5 months are a rehabilitation phase during which the focus is on body strengthening. An ayurvedic postpartum regimen is a great approach to help new mothers quickly regain their health and strength, gently balance irritated doshas, and make sure they are not burdened with the problems associated with excessive hair loss after delivery. 

  • Abhyanga

Postpartum massages are actually crucial for new mothers’ mental, spiritual, and physical recovery. Not only does this technique help the mother’s internal muscles heal, but it also gives her some much-needed downtime. Women’s muscles and nerves will be significantly weaker than they were before giving birth in the postpartum period. We can restore the functionality of muscles and ligaments without causing any injury by using techniques like abhyanga

  • Sarvanga Sweda/ Steam bath

The use of techniques like herbal steam, for example, will hasten the healing process. 

  • Veshtana

Tummy wrapping can be quite beneficial for holding your abdominal muscles in place. For abdominal binding, cotton cloth or cotton bands are preferred.

Herbal Preparations For Postpartum Care

Combinations of ayurvedic herbs can significantly improve the quality of eggs.

  • Satavari Gulam

When taken, Satavari Gulam will promote lactation and balance out the natural Vata.

  • Puli Lehyam 

After the third week following delivery and for a period of one and a half months, a specialist gives pullilehyams to new mothers.

  • Dasamoolarishtam

We can use dashamoolarishtam for the first few months after giving birth because it reduces pain and inflammation and successfully boosts immunity.

  • Jeerakarishtam

Jeerakarishtam is necessary to remove the body’s excess Vata.

  • Ashokarishtam

Ashokarishtam will help your body get ready for your next period while also maintaining the eggs’ poor health.

  • Dhanwantaram Gulika

Dhanwantharam gulika – aids in uterine cleansing and helps you get ready for a subsequent pregnancy.


After giving birth, a mother’s diet should be quite light. The mother needs to eat healthily. A healthy diet can provide you energy and well-being, whereas a poor diet can cause extreme exhaustion. A pure, well-balanced diet aids in the relaxation of vitiated Vata. Diet and lifestyle go hand in hand by nature, and during the postnatal period, rest is your best friend. Don’t work out during the postpartum period. Adopt proper hygienic habits to guarantee ideal genital and breast health. The recommendation is to pat dry after each vaginal wash. Take up walking and light exercise. This might promote blood flow and bowel movement.


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